venerdì 9 maggio 2014

The Native Americans 

Workgroup 4!! 


                        The Native Americans Today!  

The Reserves are sometimes described as islands of poverty in contrast to the progress of the rest of the country.Their presence is concentrated in the regions west of the Mississippi River. And the current relationship between the Reserves and the United West has become the object of study of some economists.The absence of clear legislation governing relations between States and Reserves is the cause of frequent friction to the relationship between these two institutions.

The economic condition of the Native who live in the North American Wildlife is in  many cases tragically dramatic:unemployment is a great problem.

But the social drama that affects the Reserves is not limited to the economic aspect.Violence and crime are social problem.To achieve equal justice to what is guaranteed to the rest of the U.S. population the Native are then forced to turn to the federal authorities.According to the National Congress of American Indian,88% of the violence suffered by Indian women are committed by non-Natives and the current justice system does not allow tribal courts to prosecute Indians.

Obama administration calls for greater autonomy for the tribal courts which will be allowed to proceed against non-Natives who commit crimes against Natives.


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