sabato 10 maggio 2014

The Native Americans
workgroup (2)
                            The tribes of the forests and the deserts

Part of the native American tribes moved towards the Southwest of America, where there are the deserts.In these areas settled tribes like the: SHOSHONE, APACHE, CHEYENNE and PUEBLOS 

They lived in villages near rivers and built homes out of sand on cliffs or in canyons.
The Native American generally wore skirts and leggings. Often they wore shirts or tunics as well. In some tribes, like the Cherokee and the Apache, they wore longer buckskin dresses. 
 Native American's food were corn, squash, and beans. Other foods that have been used widely in Native American culture include,deer meat, berries,  pumpkin and wild rice.

Other tribes moved towards the southest, where there are the forests.
In this areas settled tribes like the: IROQUOIS, SHOWNEE, CHERAKEE,SEMOPOLE ecc.

They built the houses near a stream.
The native americans made most of their clothing from deer skin. In winter they wore leggins and tunics and rabbit fur capes.

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