domenica 11 maggio 2014

Scuola media Cirino- Illuminato
Classe 2I
The Native Americans
workgroup (1)


11.000 years ago,during the ice age,indians travelled across the Baring Straits from Asia to Alaska.Slowly they came south and settled in different parts of the USA and formed into tribes.The Iroquois and Huron lived in the forests,the Sioux and the Comanche lived on the Great Plains and Pueblo lived in the desert regions.In modern america the indians are called “Native Americans”.The arrival of the Europeans in the  New World was the beginning of the end of indians life.At first settlers and indians were friendly towards each other but when they started to protect their land fighting broke out.


The Europeans came in America with horses and guns and killed a lot of indians.In 1830 a law was passed that allowed the governament to move indian tribes to the land  west of the Missisipi.


The most important battle was on 27th june1876 when General Custer made a surprise attack on an indian village.General Custer had 225 soldiers but there were 2500 indians.Custer and all of his soldiers died in the battle.This was the indians' last victory,because by the end of the 19th century the indians lived on reservations.Today there are an estimated 4,4 million “Native Americans” in the USA.

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