mercoledì 28 maggio 2014

Evaluation of group

Self evaluation of group work (1)

The students must think and write about what has and has not worked.

Scrivi almeno  due cose che hanno funzionato bene nel lavoro di gruppo



Scrivi che cosa si può migliorare


Confronta le tue risposte con quelle dei tuoi compagni

Self evaluation of group work (2)

Come abbiamo lavorato

in gruppo?

Abbiamo avuto le stesse opportunità di intervenire

Abbiamo tutti collaborato al successo del lavoro di gruppo

Abbiamo tutti chiesto aiuto o aiutato gli altri

Abbiamo controllato il tono di voce

Ci siamo spostati in modo ordinato e senza fare rumore

Abbiamo fatto il possibile per svolgere il compito assegnato

I componenti del gruppo



Video attività sui Nativi

Ecco un piccolo video, o meglio frammenti , dell'attività sui Nativi. 
Next time I want much more cooperation!!!

domenica 11 maggio 2014

Scuola media Cirino- Illuminato
Classe 2I
The Native Americans
workgroup (1)


11.000 years ago,during the ice age,indians travelled across the Baring Straits from Asia to Alaska.Slowly they came south and settled in different parts of the USA and formed into tribes.The Iroquois and Huron lived in the forests,the Sioux and the Comanche lived on the Great Plains and Pueblo lived in the desert regions.In modern america the indians are called “Native Americans”.The arrival of the Europeans in the  New World was the beginning of the end of indians life.At first settlers and indians were friendly towards each other but when they started to protect their land fighting broke out.


The Europeans came in America with horses and guns and killed a lot of indians.In 1830 a law was passed that allowed the governament to move indian tribes to the land  west of the Missisipi.


The most important battle was on 27th june1876 when General Custer made a surprise attack on an indian village.General Custer had 225 soldiers but there were 2500 indians.Custer and all of his soldiers died in the battle.This was the indians' last victory,because by the end of the 19th century the indians lived on reservations.Today there are an estimated 4,4 million “Native Americans” in the USA.

sabato 10 maggio 2014

The Native Americans
workgroup (2)
                            The tribes of the forests and the deserts

Part of the native American tribes moved towards the Southwest of America, where there are the deserts.In these areas settled tribes like the: SHOSHONE, APACHE, CHEYENNE and PUEBLOS 

They lived in villages near rivers and built homes out of sand on cliffs or in canyons.
The Native American generally wore skirts and leggings. Often they wore shirts or tunics as well. In some tribes, like the Cherokee and the Apache, they wore longer buckskin dresses. 
 Native American's food were corn, squash, and beans. Other foods that have been used widely in Native American culture include,deer meat, berries,  pumpkin and wild rice.

Other tribes moved towards the southest, where there are the forests.
In this areas settled tribes like the: IROQUOIS, SHOWNEE, CHERAKEE,SEMOPOLE ecc.

They built the houses near a stream.
The native americans made most of their clothing from deer skin. In winter they wore leggins and tunics and rabbit fur capes.

venerdì 9 maggio 2014

The Native Americans 
Workgroup 3

Alessia,Francesca, Carmen, Alessandro,Christian

                           The Plains Indians 

The plains indians lived in the great plains of the United States

Plains Indians are usually divided into two  classifications. The first group became fully nomadic and dependent upon the horse during the 18th and 19th centuries, following the vast herds of buffalo, although some tribes occasionally engaged in agriculture, growing tobacco and corn primarily. These include the Blackfoot, Arapaho, Assiniboine, Cheyenne, Comanche, Crow, Gros Ventre, Kiowa, Lakota, Lipan, Plains Apache (or Kiowa Apache), Plains Cree, Plains Ojibwe, Sarsi, Nakoda (Stoney), and Tonkawa.

The second group of Plains Indians includes the aboriginal peoples of the Great Plains, as well as the Prairie Indians who come from as far east as the Mississippi River. These tribes were semi-sedentary, and, in addition to hunting buffalo, they lived in villages, raised crops, and actively traded with other tribes. These include the Arikara, Hidatsa, Iowa, Kaw (or Kansa), Kitsai, Mandan, Missouria, Omaha, Osage, Otoe, Pawnee, Ponca, Quapaw, Wichita, and the Santee Dakota, Yanktonai and Yankton Dakota.

 The War Between The United States And The Sioux

The war with the Dakota in 1862 (also called the "Great Sioux Uprising of 1862 " ) was the first big clash between the United States and the Sioux . After six weeks of battles in the ancestral territory of Minnesota, conducted for the most part by the brave and cunning war chief Little Crow , he recorded more than 500 deaths of U.S. soldiers and settlers .

The consistency of the losses in the great Sioux uprising was not documented , but after the war well 303 Indians were charged with murder and robbery by a U.S. court and sentenced to death by hanging. Many of these sentences were commuted to prison , but December 26, 1862 in Mankato , a small town in Minnesota , he went to do that to this day remains the largest mass execution in U.S. history , with the hanging of 38 Sioux warriors .
An event which happened on was the Sand Creek Massacre (also called Chivington massacre or the Battle of Sand Creek) during the Indian Wars in the United States of America, when some troops of the militia of Colorado, commanded by Colonel John Chivington, attacked a village of Cheyenne and Arapaho, killing women and children.

In 1875, the last real Sioux war broke out when the gold rush in the Dakota came to the Black Hills, sacred territory to those Indians . 

The Native Americans 

Workgroup 4!! 


                        The Native Americans Today!  

The Reserves are sometimes described as islands of poverty in contrast to the progress of the rest of the country.Their presence is concentrated in the regions west of the Mississippi River. And the current relationship between the Reserves and the United West has become the object of study of some economists.The absence of clear legislation governing relations between States and Reserves is the cause of frequent friction to the relationship between these two institutions.

The economic condition of the Native who live in the North American Wildlife is in  many cases tragically dramatic:unemployment is a great problem.

But the social drama that affects the Reserves is not limited to the economic aspect.Violence and crime are social problem.To achieve equal justice to what is guaranteed to the rest of the U.S. population the Native are then forced to turn to the federal authorities.According to the National Congress of American Indian,88% of the violence suffered by Indian women are committed by non-Natives and the current justice system does not allow tribal courts to prosecute Indians.

Obama administration calls for greater autonomy for the tribal courts which will be allowed to proceed against non-Natives who commit crimes against Natives.


mercoledì 7 maggio 2014

The Native Americans.

Scuola Media Illuminato-Cirino
Classe 2H

Francesco De Rosa, Antonella Fioretto, Luigi Puglia, Michele Feniello, Domenico Boenzi.
The history of Native Americans in the United States began in the Pre-Columbian era with the settlement of the Americas by the Paleo-Indians. A wide variety of cultures in the era prior to European contact have been identified and studied. European contact had a profound impact on the history. According to the most generally accepted theory of the settlement of the Americas, migrations of humans from Eurasia to the Americas took place via Beringia, a land bridge which connected the two continents across what is now the Bering Strait. The number and composition of the migrations is still being debated.Falling sea levels associated with an intensive period of Quaternary glaciation created the Bering land bridge that joined Siberia to Alaska about 60,000–25,000 years ago. The latest this migration could have taken place is 12,000 years ago; the earliest remains undetermined.
Three major migrations occurred, as traced by linguistic and genetic data; the early Paleoamericans soon spread throughout the Americas, diversifying into many hundreds of culturally distinct nations and tribes. By 8000 BCE the North American climate was very similar to today's. A study published in 2012 gives genetic backing to the 1986 theory put forward by linguist Joseph Greenberg that the Americas must have been populated in three waves, based on language differences. The arrival of Europeans affected both the Native Americans and Europeans in both positive and negative ways. For the Native Americans, the European's arrival brought diseases that they had not yet encountered nor had the medicine to cure.