giovedì 25 settembre 2014

The UK: England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland on Blendspace

Check out the lesson The UK: England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland on Blendspace: Check out the lesson The UK: England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland on Blendspace

The Most Dangerous And Unusual Journeys To School In The World

“For most parents and kids, crossing the 
street to catch the school bus is perhaps the riskiest part of the school run.

It’s important not to forget that, in some parts of the world, school can be a hard-won luxury. Many children throughout the world have to take the most incredible and unimaginable routes in order to receive the education that some of us may take for granted. This list we collected will show you just how determined some children can be when it comes to getting an education.
According to UNESCO, progress in connecting children to schools has slowed down over the past five years. Areas that lack suitable school routes can often flood, making it even harder for kids to commute. Dangerous paths are one of the main reasons why many children decide to quit school.

The solution might seem easy: build roads and bridges, buy buses and hire a driver. However, the lack of funds and recurring natural disasters in many countries make it difficult to provide children with the solutions they so desperately need.”

Sources: Amusing planet and L'EXPRESS



sabato 2 agosto 2014

mercoledì 28 maggio 2014

Evaluation of group

Self evaluation of group work (1)

The students must think and write about what has and has not worked.

Scrivi almeno  due cose che hanno funzionato bene nel lavoro di gruppo



Scrivi che cosa si può migliorare


Confronta le tue risposte con quelle dei tuoi compagni

Self evaluation of group work (2)

Come abbiamo lavorato

in gruppo?

Abbiamo avuto le stesse opportunità di intervenire

Abbiamo tutti collaborato al successo del lavoro di gruppo

Abbiamo tutti chiesto aiuto o aiutato gli altri

Abbiamo controllato il tono di voce

Ci siamo spostati in modo ordinato e senza fare rumore

Abbiamo fatto il possibile per svolgere il compito assegnato

I componenti del gruppo



Video attività sui Nativi

Ecco un piccolo video, o meglio frammenti , dell'attività sui Nativi. 
Next time I want much more cooperation!!!

domenica 11 maggio 2014

Scuola media Cirino- Illuminato
Classe 2I
The Native Americans
workgroup (1)


11.000 years ago,during the ice age,indians travelled across the Baring Straits from Asia to Alaska.Slowly they came south and settled in different parts of the USA and formed into tribes.The Iroquois and Huron lived in the forests,the Sioux and the Comanche lived on the Great Plains and Pueblo lived in the desert regions.In modern america the indians are called “Native Americans”.The arrival of the Europeans in the  New World was the beginning of the end of indians life.At first settlers and indians were friendly towards each other but when they started to protect their land fighting broke out.


The Europeans came in America with horses and guns and killed a lot of indians.In 1830 a law was passed that allowed the governament to move indian tribes to the land  west of the Missisipi.


The most important battle was on 27th june1876 when General Custer made a surprise attack on an indian village.General Custer had 225 soldiers but there were 2500 indians.Custer and all of his soldiers died in the battle.This was the indians' last victory,because by the end of the 19th century the indians lived on reservations.Today there are an estimated 4,4 million “Native Americans” in the USA.

sabato 10 maggio 2014

The Native Americans
workgroup (2)
                            The tribes of the forests and the deserts

Part of the native American tribes moved towards the Southwest of America, where there are the deserts.In these areas settled tribes like the: SHOSHONE, APACHE, CHEYENNE and PUEBLOS 

They lived in villages near rivers and built homes out of sand on cliffs or in canyons.
The Native American generally wore skirts and leggings. Often they wore shirts or tunics as well. In some tribes, like the Cherokee and the Apache, they wore longer buckskin dresses. 
 Native American's food were corn, squash, and beans. Other foods that have been used widely in Native American culture include,deer meat, berries,  pumpkin and wild rice.

Other tribes moved towards the southest, where there are the forests.
In this areas settled tribes like the: IROQUOIS, SHOWNEE, CHERAKEE,SEMOPOLE ecc.

They built the houses near a stream.
The native americans made most of their clothing from deer skin. In winter they wore leggins and tunics and rabbit fur capes.