lunedì 18 novembre 2013

The Christmas candle- Parti da copiare e da tradurre


Evans, Richard Paul. The Christmas Candle. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998.

On a snowy Christmas Eve a young man made his way along a dark, deserted cobblestone street. His name was Thomas, and he was wrapped in a woolen cloak, a knapsack flung across his back.( uno zaino sulla schiena) In his hand hung a tin candle lantern. Behind the lantern’s glass panes sat the remains of a spent candle1. (Bova-Biondi)

            When he saw the glow ( bagliore) of the candlelight through the shop window of the chandler, the village candle maker, he hurried his steps, turning onto the snow-covered pathway. In Thomas’s way stood a beggar ( mendicante), shaking his cup for coins. Thomas pushed him aside impatiently and opened the door to the shop.2 ( Buonanova – Amoruso)

            Inside the shop, metal pots filled with tallow and beeswax hung from a stone hearth.( appese ad un focolare di pietra) The old chandler stood with his sculptor’s tools in his hands, surrounded by the beautiful creations he had made out of wax.
            “I am lucky to find you here,” Thomas said. “The town is empty.”3( Cecere – Boenzi)

            The old man gazed silently at Thomas as the young man glanced about the rows of sculpted candles. There were sprites and fairies, angels with see-through wings, and fragile princesses in gowns as delicate as lace( pizzo, merletto). They smelled of myrrh and frankincense and meadow flowers.4 (Davino – Caianiello)

            “You are a foolish old man,” Thomas said. “You spend hours making beautiful things that devour themselves. How long before the flame melts an angel into an ugly clump of wax?” He pointed to a row of simpler candles. “I only need light. I will take one of those.”
            The chandler looked steadily at Thomas, “The Christmas candles are of no good to you.”5 (De Cristofaro – Ceparano)

            Thomas was started by the stern ( dura, severa) response, but he laughed. “It would do me good not to stumble (inciampare)  in the dark. Are you playing me, old man? I will not pay more for your candle than it is worth.”
            “It is only four coppers ( monete)…but you may find it costly( costoso).” The old man’s words were strangely serious.
            “I have money! Give me the candle!” Thomas shouted. “It is late, and my family is waiting for me. I need illumination to find my way.”6 ( Di Marino – Ciccarelli)

            “Then it is illumination you desire?” the chandler asked softly.
            “That is what I need,” Thomas replied.
            The candle maker nodded (annuì col capo) slowly. “So you do.” He took a candle, dipped it over a flame ( l’abbassò sul fuoco), then placed it inside the lantern’s tin frame.7 (Di Fenza – Chianese)

            Thomas dropped some coins on the counter and walked to the door.
            The old man’s lips pursed ( si incresparono) in an odd, amused smile. “Merry Christmas, my brother,” he said.
            The farewell surprised Thomas. “To you, as well,” he stammered.( balbettò) Then he hastily (frettolosamente)  stepped out into the darkness, the lantern lighting the road ahead.8 (Esposito Christian – Cuccurullo)

            Thomas had travelled only a short distance when a shadow emerged from an alleyway (vialetto). A robber, he thought fearfully. He held out his lantern. “Who’s there?” he called. Then in the light of the candle, he saw it was only a frail woman huddled (rannicchiata) against the cold.
            “Sir,” cried the woman. “A pence, please?”9 (Ferraro – De Rosa)

            His eyes narrowed in contempt at the beggar. Then, as he looked at her more closely, he gasped. (ansimò).  He knew the face well! It was his own mother!
            “Mother! What is this prank? Why do you greet me as a beggar!”
            The woman stared at him. “Just a ha’ pence, Sir?”
            “Why are you here? Where are my brothers? My sister?” Thomas asked.10 (Iannuzzi – Fioretto)

 He reached out to her, but she pulled away. “Mother, how peculiar you act. You will catch a chill. Here, take my cloak.” He removed it and held it out to her.
            Cautiously, the woman came forward, then snatched the coat and retreated into the shadows.
            But as she moved from the lantern’s light, her appearance changed. 11 (Giordano Biagio – Feniello)

She was not his mother, but a beggar indeed! With Thomas’s cloak in hand, she disappeared into the darkness.
            “A strange trick,” he said to himself. He wrapped his arms around his chest, wishing he had kept his cloak. “It is I who will catch a chill.”
            Thomas walked on, quickening his pace against the frigid air. As he passed beneath the awning of a darkened inn, the candle revealed another form, lying in the gutter.12 (Grieco – Gargiulo)

 He held out the candle and again gasped. “Has the universe gone mad? Elin, my brother! Are you sick?”
            He set the lantern down, and pulled his brother’s limp arm around his shoulder, struggling to lift him. “Elin, I cannot carry you.”
            He pounded on the inn’s door, which was opened by a grim-faced woman.13 (Giordano Gabriel – Iorio)

            “My brother is sick and I fear he will freeze before I can come back for him. May I bring him inside?”
            “For the price of a night,” she cackled. “A shilling.”
            “A shilling?” Thomas reached into his pocket. “I have only sixpence.”
            The old woman scowled and began to shut the door.
            “Wait! My knapsack is worth more than a shilling!” Thomas cried. “And the trousers inside are newly tailored. I will give you everything.”14( Napolano – La Montagna)

            The old innkeeper looked at the bundle, then reached out a fat hand.
            Thomas flung the knapsack from his back and handed it to her with the last of his money. She opened the door. “Bring him in.”
            Leaving his lantern on the curb, Thomas dragged the man into the inn’s foyer. 15(Liccardo E. – Liccardo Francesca)

As he gently laid him on the wooden floor he suddenly saw that the man’s face, like the beggar’s had changed.
            “So it is your brother who lay in my gutter?” croaked the woman.
            Thomas gaped at the man. “He…he is not my brother….”16(Palladino – Pianese)

            “You are mad,” the woman muttered, and she shoved him out the door.
            Outside, Thomas picked up the lantern.
            He looked into its glass panes. “There is something strange about your light,” he whispered.
            Thomas had just glimpsed the bright lights of home when he came across a little girl shivering in the cold.17 (Puzone – Migliaccio)

            “Have you anything to eat, Sir?” she asked in a faint voice.
            Thomas felt a stir in his chest. The child was tiny, no bigger than his sister….Suddenly he pulled the lantern away. He wouldn’t shine it in her face. He could guess its trick. And what could he do for this poor waif? He had no food or money left to give.18 (Sansone – Padrevita)

            “I have nothing,” Thomas murmured as he left her, willing himself not to turn around.
            Penniless and cold, Thomas trudged onward, hardly glancing at the familiar houses of his childhood.
            His own home was dressed for the season, and music and laughter came from inside. As he entered the foyer, his mother greeted him with great excitement.19 (Schiattarella – Puglia)

 “Thomas,” she exclaimed, “you have arrived!” Hearing her cry, his sister and brothers rushed into their room to welcome his arrival.
            When the joviality had begun to settle his mother looked at him peculiarly. “Thomas, where is you cloak?”
            “Yes,” said his brother Elin, “and why have you no pack?”
            Thomas gazed solemnly into their bewildered faces. “I…gave everything away,” he said.
            “To whom?” his mother asked, puzzled.20(Esposito F. Vallefuoco A.-  )

            Thomas looked down at the waning Christmas candle. “The old man spoke the truth. You are costly…” A smile of understanding slowly spread across his face. “…but of great worth.”
            “What is this riddle? What old man?” his sister asked.
            “A wise man who sculpts candles,” Thomas replied as he gazed at the face of his sister. 21 (Vallefuoco Vincenzo -

Just then, in his mind, her bright face became the face of the woeful, hungry face of the poor child in the cold.
            Thomas looked at the sumptuous banquet laid out on the table. Suddenly he turned to the door.
            “Thomas, where are you going?” his sister asked.
            “I must see about another member of our family,” he said.22 ( Terrestre)

            And as he left the warm, fragrant house for the cold night, Thomas’s heart was warm with joy. For that Christmas Eve, a lesson was learned and taken to heart: If we will see things as they truly are, we will find that all, from great to small, belong to one family. And this truth, known from the beginning of time, is perhaps seen best in the joyous illumination of Christmas.23 (Questo pezzo è “ avanzato”, lo farà Vincenzo Vallefuoco ( se non gli dispiace!!!Please, Vincenzo! I’m sure you can do it!!!)

giovedì 14 novembre 2013


Per le classi prime: ascoltate molte volte la canzone,

 stampatela o copiatela insieme alla traduzione!!!

Scritta nel 1971 da John Lennon e la moglie Yoko Ono, Happy Xmas (War Is Over) è una canzone di protesta contro la guerra in Vietnam; i bambini del sottofondo fanno parte dell’Harlem Community Choir.
Testo:John Lennon e Yoko Ono, War is over
So this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fear

And so this is Christmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong
And so happy Christmas
For black and for white
For yellow and red ones
Let’s stop all the fight
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Christmas
And what have we done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fear
War is over
If you want it
War is over

E così è arrivato il Natale,
e tu cosa hai fatto?
Un altro anno se n’è andato
e uno nuovo è appena iniziato.
E così è Natale,
auguro a tutti di essere felici
alle persone vicine e a quelle care
ai vecchi ed ai giovani.
Buon Natale
e felice anno nuovo.
Speriamo sia un buon anno
senza timori né paure.
E così è Natale,
per i deboli ed i forti,
per i ricchi ed i poveri,
il mondo è così sbagliato.
E così è Natale,
per i neri ed i bianchi,
per i gialli ed i rossi,
smettiamola di combattere.
Buon Natale
e felice anno nuovo.
Speriamo sia un buon anno
senza timori né paure.
E così è Natale,
con tutto quello che è successo.
Un altro anno se n’è andato
e uno nuovo è appena iniziato.
E così è Natale,
auguro a tutti di essere felici
alle persone vicine e a quelle care
ai vecchi ed ai giovani.
Buon Natale
e felice anno nuovo.
Speriamo sia un buon anno
senza timori né paure.
La guerra è finita
Se tu lo vuoi
La guerra è finita
La guerra è finita, adesso.

martedì 12 novembre 2013

A Christmas carol

Per le classi Terze
Vedete questo breve video, copiate sul quaderno i sottotitoli, che alla fine formeranno il riassunto del racconto. Copiate bene. Sarebbe preferibile copiarlo come documento word e poi stamparlo, ma va bene anche scritto, purchè con  grafia comprensibile!!!

Notizie su " Christmas candle"

Per gli alunni delle seconde classi
Copiate e traducete il testo sotto

Thomas is on his way home on a foggy night when the candle in his lantern burns out. He finds a candlemaker's store and buys a candle for his lantern. Thomas berates the shopkeeper for creating works of art out of wax which will melt as the candles burn down. But the shopkeeper just ignores Thomas' comments. Instead, the kindly old man gives Thomas a special candle. The new candle provides illumination in more ways than one. Thomas meets what he believes to be various members of his family but then realizes that these people aren't his relatives. The candle lifts the darkness from Thomas heart

The candle tricks him again before he reaches home, cold and penniless, but richer for his newfound realization that we are all part of one family. 
This  original fable is  about charity 

Would you be more responsive to a brother's request for money than to a beggar's request for money? This is the question that Richard Paul Evans,  asks his readers to consider in The Christmas Candle,

mercoledì 9 ottobre 2013

domenica 11 agosto 2013

Ragazzi di prima H e prima I
Cominciate ad imparare questi due pezzi, ascoltateli e cantateli  col testo.

I've paid my dues
Time after time
I've done my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I've made a few
I've had my share of sand kicked in my face
But I've come through

We are the champions, my friends
And we'll keep on fighting, till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions, of the world

I've taken my bows
And my curtain calls
You brought me fame and fortune
and everything that goes with it
I thank you all
But it's been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race
And I ain't gonna lose

Won and won and won
We are the champions, my friends
And we'll keep on fighting, till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions, of the world

We are the champions, my friends
And we'll keep on fighting, till the end 
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions
Ho pagato i miei debiti
Giorno dopo giorno
Io ho la mia sentenza
Ma non ho commesso nessun crimine
E di cattivi errori
ne ho fatti pochi
Ed ho la mia parte di sabbia nella mia faccia
ma ho continuato senza deviazioni

Siamo i campioni, amici miei,
e continueremo a combattere, fino alla fine
Siamo i campioni
Siamo i campioni
Non è il tempo per i perdenti
perché noi siamo i campioni, del mondo

Ho preso i miei inchini
e le mie chiamate alla ribalta
Potevate prendermi fama e fortuna
ed ogni cosa che è venuta con essa
Vi ringrazio di tutto
ma non era un letto di rose
Né una crociera di piacere
Lo considero come una sfida nella corsa umana
ed io non ho intenzione di perdere

Vincere e vincere e vincere
Siamo i campioni, Amici miei
e continueremo a combattere, fino alla fine
Siamo i campioni
Siamo i campioni
Non è il tempo per i perdenti
perché noi siamo i campioni, del mondo

Siamo i campioni, Amici miei
e continueremo a combattere, fino alla fine
Siamo i campioni
Siamo i campioni
Non è il tempo per i perdenti 
perché noi siamo i campioni

So, so you think you can tell
heaven from hell?
Blue skies from pain?
Can you tell a green field
from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?

And did they get you to trade
your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
Did you exchange a walk on part in the war
for a lead role in cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here
We're just two lost souls
swimming in a fish bowl
Year after year,
running over the same old ground 
What have we found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.
Così, così pensi di poter distinguere
il paradiso dall'inferno?
Cieli blu dal dolore?
Puoi distinguere un campo verde
da un freddo binario d'acciaio?
Un sorriso da un velo?
Pensi di essere capace di distinguerli?

E ti hanno portato a barattare
i tuoi eroi con dei fantasmi?
Ceneri roventi per degli alberi?
Aria bollente con una fresca brezza?
Una magra consolazione per il cambiamento?
E hai scambiato una parte da comparsa in guerra
con un ruolo di comando in gabbia?

Come vorrei, come vorrei che tu fossi qui.
Siamo solo due anime perse
che nuotano in una boccia per i pesci. 
Anno dopo anno,
correndo sempre sul solito terreno,
cosa abbiamo trovato?
Le stesse vecchie paure.
Vorrei che tu fossi qui.

mercoledì 8 maggio 2013

Mother's Day song

Per le classi prime.
 Eccovi il testo di questa canzone per la mamma, sotto c'è il link per il video, ascoltatela e cantatela tantissime volte!!!!
Listen! Listen! Listen!!!!!!


Mommy, mommy, I love you mommy
This is your special day
Flowers and presents
And breakfast in bed
Whatever you wish for
I'll give you instead

Mommy, mommy, I love you mommy
No chores for you today
Bear hugs and kisses
To show how I feel
I love you mommy dear

Baking, cooking
Washing and working
Making our house a home
Always helping
Care for my well being
I never feel alone

Mommy, mommy
I love you mommy
In all your special ways
So on every second
Sunday in May
We'll celebrate
Mother's Day

venerdì 19 aprile 2013

LONDON per le terze classi


London is the capital of England and the UK.
The Romans founded the city 2000 thousands years ago, on the north side of the river Thames and they named it Londinium.
In the past London was destroyed twice: the Great Fire in 1666 and the bombs of German troops during the Second World War.
Today London is a cosmopolitan metropolis, where people coming from every part of the globe, form a melting pot of habits and cultures and  more than 300 languages are spoken.
The population is about 10 million , it has 5 international airports, 43 univerities, 40 theathres and is the most visited city in the world.
London attracts very large numbers of visitors and tourists.
The most popular attractions are:

The big wheel which gives you a panoramic view of London. It is the world's highest observation wheel and offers passengers spectacular views of over 55 of London's most famous landmarks .It is 135 metres high, with 32 pods; the trip takes 30 minutes.

2.  Changing of the guard: it takes place every day at about 11,15 from April to August. In winter the ceremony takes place every two days, in front of Buckingham Palace.

     3. Tower of London  It was built in 1066 by William the Conqueror. It has been a royal palace and a prison. Now it is a museum where you can see the Jewels’ Crown. In the tower live the black ravens which are a curiosity for the tourists. According to a legend, it is said that if a raven dies, the tower will fall in pieces.

     4. Tower Bridge, is an example of Victorian Gothic architecture.

5.  Hamleys: the world’s biggest toy store. HARRODS, probably the greatest department store in the world.
    6. Piccadilly Circus  , the most known square in London, where a number of streets meet. It is particularly known for its video display mounted on the corner building of the northern side.

British Museum – National Gallery 

Madam Tussauds, the Wax museum.

   8. Buckingham  Palace, the Home of the Royal Family
9. The Houses of Parliament
10.  The Big Ben, is the name of the bell inside the clock tower. It is about 98 metres high. The hour hand is 3 metres long and the minutes hand 4 metres long.
11.   St. Paul Cathedral,which has the second dome in the world, after San Pietro in Rome.
 Westminster Abbey, where are buried many famous English men and women. Here we can find the tombs of  Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare.
London taxi is called black cab. The majority of buses in London are still red and therefore the red double-decker bus remains an iconic symbol of the city.
The London Underground (often shortened to the Tube) is a rapid transit system in the United Kingdom, serving a large part of London.
The Underground serves 270 stations and has 402 kilometres (250 mi) of track, 45 per cent of which is underground. It is the second largest metro system in the world.It was built in th 19th century and it was inaugurated in 1863. It has 12 lines, each one of them has a name and a different colour.
In London there are many parks: Hyde Park, Green Park, St. James Park, Regent’s Park, Kensington Gardens.
There are also a lot of markets where you can buy an enormous variety of things: Portobello Market, Camden Market, Covent Garden, Petticoat Lane.