martedì 12 novembre 2013

Notizie su " Christmas candle"

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Thomas is on his way home on a foggy night when the candle in his lantern burns out. He finds a candlemaker's store and buys a candle for his lantern. Thomas berates the shopkeeper for creating works of art out of wax which will melt as the candles burn down. But the shopkeeper just ignores Thomas' comments. Instead, the kindly old man gives Thomas a special candle. The new candle provides illumination in more ways than one. Thomas meets what he believes to be various members of his family but then realizes that these people aren't his relatives. The candle lifts the darkness from Thomas heart

The candle tricks him again before he reaches home, cold and penniless, but richer for his newfound realization that we are all part of one family. 
This  original fable is  about charity 

Would you be more responsive to a brother's request for money than to a beggar's request for money? This is the question that Richard Paul Evans,  asks his readers to consider in The Christmas Candle,

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